Even if education is of equal quality for all children, resulting from the socioeconomic opportunities of their families, their migration background, mother tongue, and the state of the environment in which they live matter. In this research project, the relation between socioeconomic conditions, migration background and school success will be analysed and some inequalities in the education systems will be discussed in the context of a comparison between Germany and Turkey. Since there is considerable variation in education policies adopted across these countries, this research project comparatively provides strong perceptions for eliminating the educational gap by suggesting a broad range of socioeconomic, migration and education policies. In this context, the project will formulate policy proposals that will improve the quality of education received by disadvantaged students, whose potential is high. The results can contribute to the development of human capital in the long term and thus to the economic growth of these countries. The fundamental data used to measure student success will be Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores.
The main question of the study is: what are the effects of immigration background and the socioeconomic status of their families on students' success? To this end, a list of independent variables as broad as possible will be created to reflect these features. Next, the empirical study will be conducted with the principal components analysis (PCA) model and / or partial least squares (PLS) regression. In this project, the fact that the subject will be examined with an interdisciplinary approach due to its multidimensional structure and within the framework of the cooperation of these disciplines will enable the study to make different contributions than those that have existed so far. The project can contribute to both academic and social fields. The proposed project aims at influencing public policies by communicating the results and policy recommendations.
Prof. Fazıl Kayıkçı
Yıldız Technical University (Turkey) | Socioeconomics
E-mail: fazil.kayikci@college-uaruhr.de
Fazıl Kayıkçı is a Professor of Economics at Yıldız Technical University, Turkey. He has served as a chair of this department for three years. He formerly was a visiting researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen and has published several articles in high-impact journals about development studies, socioeconomics, macroeconomics, and energy economics. He also published books about current account deficit, wage determination, finance and institutions.
Fazıl Kayıkçı completed projects about human development, demographic transformation, and labour force participation. He is the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Design Measures project in a partnership with Zurich University, Rome Tre University, Minho University, WSB University, WSGE University and University of Integrado. He is a member of the COST actions ‘Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe’, ‘Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality’ and ‘Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity’.
Prof. Nina Hogrebe
TU Dortmund University | Education and Early Childhood
E-mail: nina.hogrebe@tu-dortmund.de
Prof. Nina Hogrebe
TU Dortmund University | Education and Early Childhood
E-mail: nina.hogrebe@tu-dortmund.de
Nina Hogrebe is Professor of Education and Early Childhood at the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education, and Early Childhood Education at TU Dortmund University. Previously, she held the position of Professor of Educational Science with a focus on childhood at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (2019–2023) and was a research associate at the University of Münster (2007–2019). Hogrebe earned her PhD from the University of Münster in 2013 and completed her habilitation in educational science, specialising in empirical educational research and early childhood education, in 2018.
Her research focuses on empirical educational research and early childhood education, with a particular emphasis on social and ethnic inequalities in early education, such as segregation. She is currently exploring home-based childcare as part of her broader focus on early childhood education systems. Additionally, she recently published on parent initiatives in the context of social and ethnic inequality and the role of providers in addressing educational disparities. She also conducts internationally comparative studies to examine the effects of institutional and family-based educational practices on child development and the resulting inequalities.