
Three senior research professorships and three research groups form the backbone of research activities at the College, complemented by joint projects of international Senior Fellows and UA Ruhr researchers. High-profile scholars benefit from excellent conditions and strong networks, allowing them to focus on cutting-edge research. The College’s core principle of openness offers leeway to concentrate on emerging and innovative research fields, to expand and refine interdisciplinary approaches, and to collaborate with fellow scholars – both in the region and worldwide.

Researchers in early career stages have ample opportunities to pursue independent research and advance their academic qualifications. The Research Academy Ruhr provides highly professional support.

All researchers of the College, residents and Senior Fellows alike, have their workspace in the College facilities in Essen, making it easy to discuss and develop ideas, create networks, and collaborate. Unique in Germany in its specific configuration as an Institute for Advanced Study, the College serves the purpose of catalysing outstanding, innovative research in the social sciences and humanities – within the University Alliance Ruhr and beyond.  

Research Professorships

Research Groups

Senior Fellowship Programme

Funding Programme

Projects & Publications