The College welcomes up to 20 distinguished international scholars from universities and research institutions around the globe as Senior Fellows each year. During their six-month residencies at the College, commencing in spring or autumn, they collaborate with UA Ruhr researchers who are also considered members of the College for the time of the fellowship.
This section introduces the College’s current Senior Fellows and their tandem partners from the UA Ruhr, presenting their research profiles and joint projects.
Prof. William Donahue
University of Notre Dame (USA) | Film, Television and Theatre; German Studies; European Studies
William Donahue is Professor of European studies, Cavanaugh Professor of the Humanities and Professor of German at the University of Notre Dame (USA). A scholar of contemporary German literature and film, Donahue is a concurrent professor of film, television, and theatre. His research interests include contemporary European Studies (migration, refugees, European Union, populism), German literature and film, Holocaust Studies, German Jewish Studies, and art as a form of protest, social engagement and community building. He is the author of Holocaust as Fiction: Bernhard Schlink’s "Nazi" Novels and Their Films and The End of Modernism: Elias Canetti’s Auto-da-Fé.
William Donahue has served as chair of the University of Notre Dame’s Department of German and Russian Languages and Literatures. He is co-director of the Notre Dame Berlin Seminar, which brings American scholars of German literary and cultural studies together with experts and leading figures of Germany’s literary scene. He holds a PhD in German Literature from Harvard.
William Donahue has been a visiting scholar at the University of Duisburg-Essen several times and co-editor of andererseits: Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies together with Georg Mein and Rolf Parr.
Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr
University of Duisburg-Essen | British and Anglophone Literature and Culture
Prof. Fazıl Kayıkçı
Yıldız Technical University (Turkey) | Socioeconomics
Fazıl Kayıkçı is a Professor of Economics at Yıldız Technical University, Turkey. He has served as a chair of this department for three years. He formerly was a visiting researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen and has published several articles in high-impact journals about development studies, socioeconomics, macroeconomics, and energy economics. He also published books about current account deficit, wage determination, finance and institutions.
Fazıl Kayıkçı completed projects about human development, demographic transformation, and labour force participation. He is the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Design Measures project in a partnership with Zurich University, Rome Tre University, Minho University, WSB University, WSGE University and University of Integrado. He is a member of the COST actions ‘Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe’, ‘Making Young Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality’ and ‘Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity’.
Prof. Nina Hogrebe
TU Dortmund University | Education and Early Childhood
Prof. Jeff MacSwan
University of Maryland (USA) | Applied Linguistics and Language Education; Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
Jeff MacSwan is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Language Education at the University of Maryland. He is also Professor of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, and affiliate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and the Maryland Language Science Center. MacSwan’s research programme focuses on the linguistic study of bilingualism, codeswitching (or language alternation) and translanguaging theory, and implications for theories about the role of language in the education of multilingual students.
MacSwan is the editor of the International Multilingual Research Journal and serves on several editorial boards. Examples of his work appear in American Educational Research Journal, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Lingua, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Teachers College Record, and in edited collections and handbooks.
Jeff MacSwan is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and of the National Education Policy Center. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group (SIG) and the Leadership through Scholarship Award from the AERA Second Language Research SIG, both in 2021.
His recent books include Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging (Multilingual Matters, 2022) and Codeswitching in the Classroom: Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, Policy, and Ideology (with Christian J. Faltis, Routledge, 2020).
Prof. Katja F. Cantone & Prof. Tobias Schroedler
University of Duisburg-Essen | Multilingualism, German as Second Language, Social Inclusion
Assoc. Prof. Benjamin Marent
University of Sussex (UK) | Digital Technology at Work
Benjamin Marent is Associate Professor in Digital Technology at Work at the University of Sussex Business School, UK. His research investigates and informs the digital transformation of health care, with a current focus on telemedicine and the application of conversational artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies are surrounded by promising expectations to ensure the sustainability of care for the growing number of people with chronic conditions. As health sociologist, Benjamin Marent asks if and how “care” happens when communicative encounters between health professionals and their clients are mediated by technology (as in the case of telemedicine) or when the communicative other is no longer a human professional but an artificial agent (as in the case of conversational AI).
Alongside this research, Benjamin Marent has co-edited the Sociology of Health & Illness special issue ‘Digital Health: Sociological Perspectives’ (2019) and is currently editing the De Gruyter Handbook of Digital Health and Society (forthcoming 2025) and the Sociology of Health & Illness special issue ‘Algorithms in Health and Medicine: Sociological Inquiries into Current Disruptions and Future Imaginaries’ (eds. Marent, Henwood, Petersen, Neves, forthcoming 2026). He serves on the editorial boards of the British Sociological Association's flagship journal Sociology and Sociology of Health & Illness, and he is an Associate Fellow of the Digital Future at Work Research Centre (‘Digit’).
Prof. Sebastian Merkel
Ruhr-University Bochum | Social Sciences - Health and E-Health
Dr Uroš Matić
University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Egyptology, Archaeology
Uroš Matić is an archaeologist and Egyptologist based as a senior lecturer at the Institute for Ancient History and the Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Innsbruck, and the Institute for Classics at the University of Graz, Austria. His main expertise is in war and violence in ancient Egypt, ancient Egyptian interrelations, settlement archaeology, and gender studies in archaeology.
Matić obtained his PhD from the University of Münster in 2017 and received two prizes for this work (Philippika prize of Harrassowitz in 2018 and Best Publication Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2020). He held a PRIME fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from 2018 to 2019 and received grants from the Foundation for Postgraduates of Egyptology in Vienna in 2016 and 2022. He was co-chair of the Archaeology and Gender in Europe (AGE) community of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) from 2016 to 2019.
Uroš Matić taught at the University of Münster (Germany), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Graz (Austria), and University of Innsbruck (Austria). He has more than 100 publications, the most recent being the monograph Violence and Gender in Ancient Egypt (Routledge, 2021) and the edited volumes Gender Trouble and Current Archaeological Debates (Springer, 2024 with Bisserka Gaydarska, Laura Coltofean and Marta Diaz-Guardamino) and Bodies that Mattered. Ancient Egyptian Corporealities (Sidestone Press, 2025, with Dina Serova).
Prof. Nico Orlandi
University of California Santa Cruz (USA) | Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
Nico Orlandi is a philosopher of mind and of cognitive science. Their work draws on the history of philosophy and on contemporary research in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and in computer science. Orlandi is currently working on a project on concepts – what they are and how we learn them – with a particular focus on concepts of social categories. In the past, Nico Orlandi’s research has focused on perception – what kind of capacity it is, what it presupposes, and what kind of relationship it affords with the environment. In their first monograph, Orlandi developed an anti-constructivist account of perception that contrasts with philosophical and psychological orthodoxy.
Nico Orlandi received their PhD in 2007, and in 2011, while at Rice University, received a Phi Beta Kappa teaching award. Orlandi spent one year as a Fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center (USA) in 2012 and was a visiting researcher at the Riken Laboratory for Perceptual Dynamics in Tokyo, Japan (2010), at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris, France (2016), and at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy in London, Ontario, Canada (2019). Nico Orlandi is originally from Italy, was born in Siena and did their undergraduate studies in Florence. Orlandi is a first-generation academic.
Prof. Tobias Schlicht
Ruhr-University Bochum | Philosophy of Consciousness and Cognition
Prof. Mirzokhid Rakhimov
Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan | History and International Relations
Mirzokhid Rakhimov currently serves as the head of department at the Contemporary History Center of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan as well as Adjunct Professor of the Webster University branch in Tashkent. In Uzbekistan he held different positions as director of the Contemporary History Center and chair of board directors of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences and was assigned as a visiting scholar to a number of universities, including the University of Cambridge and London University (UK), the Universities of Washington and Johns Hopkins (USA), Leiden University (Netherlands), the Universities of Gießen, Bielefeld and Passau (Germany), the Hokkaido and Tsukuba Universities (Japan), Nehru University (India), the Center for Russian, Caucasian and East European Studies (CNRS and EHESS; France), and the Universities of Shanghai and Lanzhou (China).
Mirzokhid Rakhimov’s research interests cover contemporary history as well as international and regional relations in Central Asia. He contributed to a broad range of publishers, amongst them Brill, Routledge, Springer, Elsevier, Peter Lang, Primus Books, Cuvillier publications as well as journals like Journal of Eurasian studies; Cambridge Journal of Eurasian studies; L` Europe en formation: Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism; Himalayan and Central Asian Studies and others. His books include Contemporary multilateral relations in Central Asia (Tashkent, 2020, in Russian); he also edited several books published in Germany, India, Russia, Republic of Korea, France and Uzbekistan, including Central Asia and European Union in search of sustainability (M. Rakhimov, G. Ismailova, A. Umarov (eds.), UWED, 2024) and Logistics and diplomacy in Central Asia (Y. Alix, K. Baizakova, J. Nicharapova, M. Rakhimov (eds.), Editions EMS, 2022).
Mirzokhid Rakhimov is a member of the editorial board of international scientific journals: Journal of Eurasian Studies (Paris, Boston, London), Journal of Central Eurasia (Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow, Russia), and Kazakhstan journal of international studies (Astana, Kazakhstan).
Prof. Michael Kaeding
University of Duisburg-Essen | European Integration and European Policy
Assoc. Prof. Imran Sabir
Quaid-i-Azam University (Pakistan) | Sociology
Imran Sabir is Associate Professor at the School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. With a PhD in sociology from the University of Paris-Saclay, France, and over 15 years of academic experience, his research focuses on intergenerational relationships, social inequalities, and the sociology of knowledge.
Imran Sabir’s work bridges theoretical rigour with empirical depth, examining complex social phenomena through comparative frameworks, particularly between the Global North and South. As an applied practitioner of sociological methods, he translates theoretical frameworks into actionable solutions, deploying empirical evidence to contemporary social problems. As a public sociologist, Imran Sabir frequently writes for national newspapers, bringing sociological perspectives to public discourse on issues such as education reforms, urban planning, and social inequalities. He has contributed extensively to academic journals and has led multidisciplinary projects, including studies on road safety, solid waste management, and youth violence. His ongoing collaborative project investigates intergenerational support dynamics in ageing and non-ageing societies, offering insights into family structures, socioeconomic dependencies, and cultural norms.
He is dedicated to the generation of impactful policy-relevant outcomes, and materialising meaningful academic exchanges for North-South cooperation. He envisions sociology as a dynamic, globally interconnected discipline, having a transformative role that connects scholarly inquiry with tangible societal advancements.
TU Dortmund University | Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies
Assoc. Prof. Tannistha Samanta
FLAME University (India) | Sociology
Tannistha Samanta is a sociologist and an ageing studies scholar by training. She received her Master’s degree and PhD from the Department of Sociology, University of Maryland College Park (USA). Her most active line of research is in the intersecting fields of health and ageing (with a focus on India) where she examines questions related to intergenerational relationships, social capital, consumer cultures, older adult sexualities, and theory development in ageing. In another line of inquiry, she examines the sexual and reproductive health of women through the intersecting lenses of the body and the market. Her research has been supported by several research grants and international fellowships including the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA (India); the School of Medicine of the University of California, San Diego (USA); and Global Liberal Arts Alliance (MI, USA). She was recently invited as a Mercator Fellow (summer 2024) by the University of Tübingen and Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Tannistha Samanta is currently Associate Editor for the Journal of Aging Studies (Elsevier) and serves on the editorial boards of the journals The Sociological Review (SAGE) and Social Theory & Health (Palgrave Macmillan). From a political-intellectual standpoint, she remains committed to supporting and building an emerging community of young researchers from the Global South. She engages in a range of publics contributing by-lines to mainstream and alternative media outlets. Her op-eds and interviews have appeared in Forbes, and the BBC.
Prof. Cornelius Schubert
TU Dortmund University | Sociology of Science and Technology
Prof. Barış Uslu
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) | Higher Education Policy and Management
Achieving a nationally competitive scholarship, Barış Uslu visited the University of Sydney, Australia, for a year of research during his doctoral training. After this international visit, he received his PhD degree in the field of Educational Administration in 2015. Starting with his PhD research, Barış Uslu mainly studied higher education policy and management. While he was appointed to an assistant professorship in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, in 2018 as the Turkish team leader, he also joined an internationally comparative project titled ‘Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society (APIKS)’ in which more than 20 countries participated. He then achieved his nation-wide tenure in Educational Sciences: Higher Education Studies from the Interuniversity Council of Turkey in 2019.
Barış Uslu has published more than 100 articles, chapters and conference papers, and received different international and national project funds and prizes. In addition to his editorial or evaluator roles in various scientific platforms such as Higher Education Quarterly and the European Commission Co-Fund Programme, he continues his research on organisational management in universities, sustainable quality management in higher education, changes in academic profession, teacher education policies, digitalisation in education, and AI integration in higher education institutions.
Prof. Liudvika Leišytė
TU Dortmund University | Higher Education Research
Prof. Martina Brandt
TU Dortmund University | Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies
Martina Brandt is Professor for Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies at TU Dortmund University, Vice Dean of Research at the Department of Social Sciences, spokesperson of the research training group ‘New challenges in ageing societies’ (Hans Böckler Foundation) and head of the Master's programme ‘Ageing Societies’ at TU Dortmund University. She holds the chairmanship of the Expert Commission on the Ninth Government Report on Older People, and she is involved in the central coordination of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) as Area Coordinator Family and Social Networks. She researches and teaches in the field of ageing in Europe and is interested in family, health and well-being in the life course, care and social support, social inequality and social policy as well as methods of empirical research on ageing.
Prof. Katja F. Cantone
University of Duisburg-Essen | Multilingualism and German as Second Language
Katja F. Cantone is Professor for Multilingualism and German as Second Language at the University of Duisburg-Essen. She is the author of Code-Switching in bilingual children (2007) and co-author of a book on language maintenance of heritage languages in Germany (2024). As a linguist, she has worked on language acquisition in bilingual children for many years, analysing how children acquire the linguistic systems and investigating aspects such as code-switching and language balance. Currently, she focuses on language policy and educational aspects of multilingualism and language maintenance. Together with Heike Roll and Tobias Schroedler, she is editor of Sprachliche Teilhabe in mehrsprachigen Kontexten, a book series dedicated to language participation in social, institutional, and individual contexts. Since 2023, she has been director of the new university programme for elementary teachers ‘Deutsch für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte’ (German for second language learners / heritage language teaching) and is currently investigating how plurilingual orientations can be developed in teacher training.
Prof. Jens Martin Gurr
University of Duisburg-Essen | British and Anglophone Literature and Culture
Jens Martin Gurr has been Professor of British and Anglophone Literature and Culture at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, since 2007. Research interests include 17th-21st-century English literature, contemporary Anglophone fiction, as well as literary and cultural theory. Thematically, he works on public functions of narrative, conflict narratives, climate change fiction and climate change communication, theory of models, literary urban studies, urban cultural studies, transatlantic comparative memory research, theories and methods of inter- and transdisciplinary research, and functions of literature and of literary studies in pluralist societies. He is the author or co-author of six monographs, including Charting Literary Urban Studies: Texts as Models of and for the City (Routledge, 2021), and (with Julia Hoydis and Roman Bartosch) Climate Change Literacy (Cambridge University Press [Elements series], 2023). His most recent book, Understanding Public Debates: What Literary Studies Can Do came out with Routledge in June 2024. He is currently completing a monograph provisionally entitled Enlightenment Controversies: The Literary Self-Enlightenment of the Enlightenment, 1720-1800. Jens Gurr is a member of the UDE University Council and of the Board of Trustees of the Volkswagen Foundation. In research, teaching and administration, a consistent concern has been to define and strengthen the role of the humanities in academia and in society generally.
Prof. Nina Hogrebe
TU Dortmund University | Education and Early Childhood
Nina Hogrebe is Professor of Education and Early Childhood at the Institute for Social Pedagogy, Adult Education, and Early Childhood Education at TU Dortmund University. Previously, she held the position of Professor of Educational Science with a focus on childhood at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (2019–2023) and was a research associate at the University of Münster (2007–2019). Hogrebe earned her PhD from the University of Münster in 2013 and completed her habilitation in educational science, specialising in empirical educational research and early childhood education, in 2018.
Her research focuses on empirical educational research and early childhood education, with a particular emphasis on social and ethnic inequalities in early education, such as segregation. She is currently exploring home-based childcare as part of her broader focus on early childhood education systems. Additionally, she recently published on parent initiatives in the context of social and ethnic inequality and the role of providers in addressing educational disparities. She also conducts internationally comparative studies to examine the effects of institutional and family-based educational practices on child development and the resulting inequalities.
Prof. Michael Kaeding
University of Duisburg-Essen | European Integration and European Policy
Michael Kaeding has been Professor of European Integration and European Policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2012. He is also Vice Dean for Research, Transfer and Junior Researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Duisburg-Essen (since 2016). During the winter term 2024/25, he conducted research with a Simone Veil Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.
In addition to Visiting Fellowships at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht and the Centre of International Relations at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), he is the Director of Studies of the European Political and Governance Studies Department at the College of Europe in Bruges as of June 2024. He also taught at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul between 2015 and 2024, and he is an Honorary Board Member (Chairman from 2016 to 2019) of TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association), as well as a member of the Academic Board of the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in Berlin.
Michael Kaeding is currently coordinating two Horizon Europe projects, together with Daniela Braun (ActEU, Saarland University) and Funda Tekin (InvigoratEU, IEP). From 2018 to 2019, he coordinated the H2020 project ‘SEnECA - Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations’.
The NRW-wide, cross-university debating format ‘NRW debattiert Europa’, which he initiated, is entering its 10th round in 2025. As co-editor of the ‘Future of Europe’ book series, he is always open to receiving suggestions.
His aim is to critically and constructively accompany and explain the process of European integration, the shaping of European policy and Europe’s influence on the member states.
Prof. Liudvika Leišytė
TU Dortmund University | Higher Education Research
Liudvika Leišytė is Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Director at the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University. She holds a PhD degree in Public Administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. For ten years, she was involved in and managed various research projects at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (University of Twente), where she is still a visiting senior scholar. She was visiting professor at Nagoya University in Japan in 2019 and Sciences Po in France in 2022.
Prof. Leišytė has actively been involved in a number of international and national research projects studying changing university governance, and management, interdisciplinarity, quality assurance and evaluation, and digitalisation in higher education. In 2018 she received the Emerald Literati Award for the Highly Commended paper 2018 in The Learning Organization international journal.
Liudvika Leišytė has published five (co-edited) books on reforms of higher education, governance of higher education and organisational change in universities. Her sixth book, the “Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education”, was published by Edward Elgar in 2023. Her work has appeared in a number of prestigious international peer-reviewed journals, including Higher Education, Science and Public Policy, Studies in Higher Education, Minerva, Public Management, and Public Administration.
Prof. Leišytė is a member of editorial boards of Higher Education Policy, Triple Helix, The Learning Organization, Social Inclusion, and Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung. She is an Advisory Board member of the Lithuanian Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency delegated by the Lithuanian Parliament Education and Science Committee. In 2023 Prof. Leišytė was elected as a member of the Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe).
Prof. Sebastian Merkel
Ruhr-University Bochum | Social Sciences - Health and E-Health
Sebastian Merkel is a junior professor of ‘Health and E-Health’ at Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Social Sciences. Previously, he worked at the Institute for Work and Technology (IAT) for ten years, where he has led the research department ‘Health Industries and Quality of Life’ for two years. Sebastian Merkel has been involved in several national and international research projects studying social implications of (digital) technologies in the field of health and care. His research activities follow an interdisciplinary approach, combining theories and methods from medical sociology, science and technology studies, health economics, and public health. A central theme of his research is participatory approaches to technology development.
Prof. Tobias Schlicht
Ruhr-University Bochum | Philosophy of Consciousness and Cognition
Tobias Schlicht is Professor of Philosophy at Ruhr University Bochum’s Faculty for Philosophy and Education Science. His work is primarily focused on Consciousness and Cognition, topics at the intersection of philosophy and the empirical mind sciences, such as psychology and neuroscience.
Tobias Schlicht obtained his PhD in 2007 at the University of Cologne with a thesis on metaphysical theories of consciousness in light of the explanatory gap between physical and conscious processes. He has published three books on the mind-body problem and on social cognition. Three collections of papers cover questions about mental representation and on teleology, and a fourth one is currently in preparation on The Future of the Extended Mind (co-edited with Robert Rupert and Keith Harris) for Oxford University Press. He has also co-edited four special issues of academic journals on representation, predictive processing, and enactivism. His papers on topics in this area have been published in Philosophical Studies, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Philosophical Psychology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Frontiers in Psychology, Consciousness and Cognition, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, among others.
Personal Website:
Prof. Tobias Schroedler
University of Duisburg-Essen | Multilingualism and Social Inclusion
Dr Tobias Schroedler is Junior Professor of Multilingualism and Social Inclusion at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He holds an MPhil (2011) and PhD (2016) in Applied Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin. Before his current role, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg and has been visiting scholar at Macquarie University Sydney (Australia) and the universities of Stellenbosch and Pretoria (South Africa). His research addresses multilingualism in education, multilingual pedagogies, institutional multilingualism, language use on the labour market, and language ideologies, including the prestige and value assigned to languages. He currently leads four funded research projects on international comparisons of heritage languages in education, on using multilingual repertoires in the workplace, and on teacher professionalisation for multilingual learning contexts. Tobias Schroedler has presented papers at over 50 international conferences; he has authored several books as well as over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.
Prof. Cornelius Schubert
TU Dortmund University | Sociology of Science and Technology
Cornelius Schubert is Professor of Sociology of Science and Technology at the Department of Social Sciences, TU Dortmund University. Previously, he was Associate Professor for Digitalized Innovation in the Section of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS) at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He holds a PhD in sociology from TU Berlin and was visiting professor at Technische Universität Berlin, Augsburg University, and the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil. Since October 2024, he is Dean of the Department of Social Sciences at TU Dortmund University.
Cornelius Schubert specialises in science and technology studies, critical studies of innovation, and qualitative methods. His fields of research include healthcare, chip manufacturing, and social innovation. He is interested in inter- and transdisciplinary research practices and processes of co-creation, the relations of bodies and technologies as well as the advancement of methods at the intersection of digital technologies and qualitative research. He currently chairs the board of the German Society for Science and Technology Studies and is a member of the board of the Section for Science and Technology Studies in the German Sociological Association.
Constance von Rüden is a professor of archaeology at Ruhr University Bochum, specialising in Bronze Age wall paintings in the Eastern Mediterranean and Egypt. With a PhD from the University of Heidelberg, her dissertation Die Wandmalereien von Tall Mishrife/Qatna im Kontext einer ägäisch-syrischen Kommunikation (2007, published in 2011) explored the interplay of art, cultural exchange, and material production in the Late Bronze Age. Since 2010, she has directed the field project ‘The Wall Paintings of Avaris, Tell el-Dabca, Egypt’, which investigates the unique artistic techniques and iconography of this crucial cultural hub. Her work, such as the book Tracing Technoscapes: The Production of Bronze Age Wall Paintings in the Eastern Mediterranean (2018), highlights the complex networks of cultural interaction and materiality that defined this period. She collaborates extensively in interdisciplinary projects, integrating archaeological theory with material studies, particularly through New Materialist perspectives.
An overview of all former Senior Fellows hosted by the College is available here: