The FEATURES section is a digital space for miscellaneous editorial content illuminating the College’s research activities. It accommodates academic articles, essays, reviews, and blog posts, as well as interviews and portraits. The purpose of this format is to provide insights into research at the College, display different perspectives within the social sciences and humanities on current debates, and reflect the variety of research fields. The section also spotlights individual researchers with their projects. The authors and contributors are regularly College members and Senior Fellows.

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Matebeni giving a lecture, standing in front of a speaker's desk, behind her the blue College banner

How South African Visual Culture and Performance Resonate in a German Context

Zethu Matebeni and Henriette Gunkel worked together as tandem partners in the Senior Fellowship Programme during the winter term 2024/25. Their collaboration is based on a long-standing partnership between the University of Fort Hare in South Africa and Ruhr University Bochum.

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© William Donahue

Germany's Stronger Democracy: Letter from an American on the Eve of the German National Elections

William C. Donahue reflects on recent political developments in Germany and the USA in a "Letter to the Germans," first published shortly before the recent German national elections. During his fellowship at the College he is working on a project that compares US and German "memory cultures".

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#interview #postdoclab

the three members of the working group

Influencing Factors in Civic Education

What factors foster civic skills and political participation? The PostdocLab working group 'Civic Education Research Lab (CERL)' explores influencing factors in civic education. In this interview, the members explain their interdisciplinary approach and give insights into their collaboration.

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collage with pictures of fellows

Fellows' Farewell Feature: Perspectives of the First Senior Fellows at the College

The first group of international Senior Fellows has completed their research stays at the College. What are their perspectives on their hosting institution, the University Alliance Ruhr, and the Ruhr region? In this interview, the visiting researchers share their impressions, personal views, and experiences.

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Developing Social Innovation Digital Ecosystems (SIDE): Recommendations for Practitioners and Policymakers

A Social Innovation Digital Ecosystem is a dynamic community of actors united by a common goal, addressing societal challenges through a collaborative, inclusive, and open process. This policy brief provides recommendations for practitioners and policymakers for developing these ecosystems.

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How to Write for Publication and Grant Applications in the Social Sciences

Writing for publication and securing research funding are crucial skills for academics and researchers. How can early-career scholars successfully plan and navigate their publication projects and grant applications?

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collage of event pictures © College UA Ruhr

Waste as a By-Product of Modernity

What qualifies as "waste", and who defines that? How do we address waste in cultural studies and the arts? The panel discussion on 14 May 2024 explored how artistic and discursive practices could help us "unmake" waste by looking for an alternative modernity to counter the naturalised binaries which still produce disposable materials, bodies, and ways of living.

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Please note that the articles published in this section do not reflect the College’s institutional position.