Influencing Factors in Civic Education
What factors foster civic skills and political participation? The PostdocLab working group 'Civic Education Research Lab (CERL)' explores influencing factors in civic education. In this interview, the members explain their interdisciplinary approach and give insights into their collaboration.
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Fellows' Farewell Feature: Perspectives of the First Senior Fellows at the College
The first group of international Senior Fellows has completed their research stays at the College. What are their perspectives on their hosting institution, the University Alliance Ruhr, and the Ruhr region? In this interview, the visiting researchers share their impressions, personal views, and experiences.
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Developing Social Innovation Digital Ecosystems (SIDE): Recommendations for Practitioners and Policymakers
A Social Innovation Digital Ecosystem is a dynamic community of actors united by a common goal, addressing societal challenges through a collaborative, inclusive, and open process. This policy brief provides recommendations for practitioners and policymakers for developing these ecosystems.
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How to Write for Publication and Grant Applications in the Social Sciences
Writing for publication and securing research funding are crucial skills for academics and researchers. How can early-career scholars successfully plan and navigate their publication projects and grant applications?
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College UA Ruhr
Waste as a By-Product of Modernity
What qualifies as "waste", and who defines that? How do we address waste in cultural studies and the arts? The panel discussion on 14 May 2024 explored how artistic and discursive practices could help us "unmake" waste by looking for an alternative modernity to counter the naturalised binaries which still produce disposable materials, bodies, and ways of living.
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Extraordinary Meeting: Interview with the Scientific Board
The Scientific Board members explain the College's purpose and the benefits entailed for scholars of the UA Ruhr, elucidating the role of the Fellowship Programme in tapping the potential of collaborative research.
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