Tandem Project

Digital Ecosystems and Platforms for Social Innovation: An Empirical Exploration

The emergence of digital ecosystems and platforms is an opportunity for driving social innovation since they provide the technological infrastructure that allows stakeholders to collaborate. Based on this premise, the goals of this project are twofold.

First, it aims to identify the challenges and opportunities faced by leaders and members of digital ecosystems and platforms that promote social innovations. Second, it will analyse the governance of digital ecosystems and platforms and its effect on social innovation. The outcomes of this study could contribute to both theory and practice by providing insights to practitioners, policymakers, and social organisations on effective strategies to implement and govern digital ecosystems for social innovation.

Prof. Douglas Wegner

Fundação Dom Cabral (Brazil) | Business Administration

Douglas Wegner is a professor of the Professional Master in Administration at Fundação Dom Cabral, a business school in Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is currently co-leader of the track on “Interorganizational and Interpersonal Relations” at Anpad, the National Association of Graduate Programs and Research in Administration, and member of the research group Collab4Good, which focuses on grand challenges, collaborative governance, innovation ecosystems, entrepreneurial ecosystems, social innovation, and inter organisational cooperation. His current research interests include collaborative strategies and networks, network governance, and network orchestration. He also works as associate editor of Revista Base for the topics of Collaboration and Interorganisational Relations. Besides the academic activities, Douglas worked as a business consultant, forming and developing strategic networks in Brazil. Douglas Wegner holds a PhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2011), Brazil. He was a visiting researcher at TU Dortmund University (2019) and the University of Sevilla (2016) and published various articles in peer reviewed journals.

Project description



Tandem Partner

Prof. Jürgen Howaldt

TU Dortmund University, Social Research Centre Dortmund | Sociology, social innovation research


Prof. Jürgen Howaldt

TU Dortmund University, Social Research Centre Dortmund | Sociology, social innovation research


Jürgen Howaldt is the director of the Social Research Centre Dortmund and professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of TU Dortmund University. He is an internationally renowned expert in the field of social innovation. His research fields include social sciences-based innovation research and social innovation, new management concepts, and organisational development and consulting. As a sociologist, his internationally oriented research activities focus on the significance of social innovations for society as well as on socio-technical change processes in various social fields.

