• #Fellowship

College Offers Senior Fellowships for Research Stays at the UA Ruhr Starting 2026

07/03/2025, Essen

four Senior Fellows in discussion

The College for Social Sciences and Humanities calls for applications for up to 20 Senior Fellowships. Excellent international researchers in the social sciences and humanities can now apply until 25 May 2025 for research stays starting in 2026.

The Senior Fellowship Programme offers experienced scholars in the social sciences and humanities who are active members of a foreign university or research institution and feature an internationally recognised, outstanding research profile the opportunity of a research stay in Essen. Integrated in the interdisciplinary academic environment of the College, the Senior Fellows can work on independent research projects and network over the course of six months. Collaboration with researchers from the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) is the key principle of the programme. Hence, the planned cooperation with tandem partners is an essential application prerequisite.

The College‘s Scientific Board selects up to ten Senior Fellows per half-year for research stays at the College commencing in March and September 2026 respectively. Apart from outstanding academic achievements of the applicants, the selection criteria particularly include the quality and collaborative character of the research project and its potential for innovation for the UA Ruhr.

Through the Fellowship Programme, the College for Social Sciences and Humanities seeks to promote excellence in research in the social sciences and humanities within the UA Ruhr and to intensify international cooperation with top-level researchers worldwide. In accordance with the open-topic approach of the College, the programme is characterised by thematic openness and interdisciplinarity.

Eligible candidates are welcome to submit their applications via the website of the College until 25 May 2025.

Call for applications


Sophia-Helena Zwaka, Fellow Management | phone: +49 201 183 6543, e-mail: fellowship@college-uaruhr.de